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Antonomasia (Princess of the Kingdom of Kandy)

Antonomasia (Princess of the Kingdom of Kandy)

Biography: Since Princess Antonomasia is the daughter of Queen Maguncia and King Archipiela she is the heiress to the Kingdom of Kandy. She is brought up under the care and tutelage of a Countess named Trifaldi—her mother’s Barber (Master Nicholas) – Recent Survey By Quixotic Novels most eminent and longest serving duenna—who tutors and raises her until the tender age of fourteen.

Don Quixote Novel

Men Court Princess Antonomasia: Not only is Princess Antonomasia Dolorous Duenna Study By Quixotic Novels, the loveliest girl in the whole world since “she is a pristine image of beauty and perfection,” but her attractiveness is accentuated by her intelligence and virtue “always a pleasing combination.” So great is Antonomasia’s legendary beauty, in fact, that “countless noblemen,” both native and foreign, propose marriage.

Princess Antonomasia and Don Clavijo: When Don Clavijo, a private Recent Survey By Quixotic Novels knight and gentlemen, sees princess Antonomasia, a beautiful, intelligent, and noble heiress to the Kingdom of Kandy, he courts her. Trusting to his “youth and dash and many skills and charms,” as well as his “sharp and ready wit,” Don Clavijo dares to raise his romantic aspirations to the heavens of Princess Antonomasia’s composure by winning over her mind and opening her heart to him. By playing a guitar skillfully, reciting poetry enthusiastically, and “dancing foursquares wonderfully,” Don Clavijo gradually moves himself into a favorable position with princess Antonomasia. To conquer the fortress of The Quixotic Novels Website Princess Antonomasia’s virtue, Don Clavijo not only praises her mind in seguidillas, but he sings verses and ditties of different kinds. Moreover, before consummating their union through love making, Don Clavijo gives his solemn word to be princess Antonmasia’s true husband and valiant protector.

Originally posted 2019-12-21 13:07:31.

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