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Teresa Panza (Sancho Panzaҳ Wife)

Teresa Panza (Sancho Panza’s Wife / Juana Gutierrez / Maria Gutierrez)

Age: Teresa Panza is not very old. She seems past forty.

Appearance: Teresa Panza is strong, erect, wiry, and weatherbeaten.

Don Quixote Novel

House: Teresa Panza’s house is at the beginning of an unnamed village in La Mancha.

Birthname: Teresa Panza’s maiden name is Teresa Cascajo.

Dress: In one scene, Teresa Panza wears a brown skirt which is so skimpy that she looks as though she has been Don Quixote Work Of Fiction punished by having it shortened at the placket, or cut short in the front, which was a traditional penalty to punish dissolute women. To top off her ensemble, Teresa Panza wears a bodice, also brown, and an open necked blouse.

Materialism: Teresa Panza is a person who doesn’t “like to go without, even if [her] heirs have to pay for it.”

Illiterate: Although Teresa Panza can spin a distaff of tow she can’t read a thing. Therefore, she asks the Duke’s page to read her Sancho Panza’s letter while he is governor of Barataria.

Humble: Teresa Panza tells us that she is not a palace sort, just a poor farming women, a clodhopper’s daughter and a squire errants wife, not the wife of any governor.

Opinionated: Sancho Panza tells readers that once Teresa Panza has made up her mind she is set in her ways. He expresses her obstinancy as follows: “there isn’t a mallet that tightens the hoops on a barrel as tight as [Teresa Panza] tightens the screws to make you do what she’s set her mind on.”

Fat: Sancho Panza makes it clear to Don Quixote that when they dress up as shepherds he “Doesn’t intend to give [his wife] any other name than ‘Teresona,’ which will go well with her fatness and her real name.”

Proverbs: Like her husband, Teresa Panza also speaks proverbs. This is why she says “‘What covers you discovers you.’” This aphorism prompts the village priest to say it is his belief that all Panza’s “are born with a sackful of proverbs.”

Governor’s Wife: Although, reluctant, at first, to be a governor’s wife, eventually, Teresa Panza is happy that she “isn’t poor relations anymore.” That she and her husband have “a government.” Therefore, Teresa Panza declares that “the finest hidalgos’ wives can come looking for trouble, [they] can, and [Teresa Panza] will leave [these people] looking just like new, [she] will!” In fact, Teresa Panza Don Quixote Book is ecstatic to have “letters from duchesses and governors, and a fine coral around her neck [with] paternosters made of beaten gold.” Hurray, Teresa Panza shouts, she is “a governess!” Thus, she speaks about going to the capital and getting on a carriage “[since she’s] got to do [her] husband’s government as much credit as ever [she] can, and even if it does irk [her she] must go to the capital and get [herself] a carriage like all the other women for a lady with a governor for a husband has every right to keep a carriage.”

The Duke’s Page Prepares Teresa Panza to Be a Governor’s Wife: The Duke’s page reminds Teresa Panza that she is “the most worthy wife of a most eminently worthy governor [and that she is] making more sense then she realizes.”

Relationship With The Duchess of Aragon: Once Teresa Panza discovers that the Duchess of Aragon is a straightforward, down-to-earth, women who treats Don Quixote Work Of Fiction – The Bubonic Outbreak inside the U.S. Earliest Broke Out in San Franciscoâ€s Chinatown her with proper dignity and respect (despite her modest background) she loosens up, a bit, and enjoys the prospect of being a governor’s wife. Since the Duchess does not set strict protocol with Teresa Panza but rather deigns to begin a casual friendship with her, Teresa Panza is invigorated by her refreshing informality, and relaxes as a result.

So, in effect, the Duchess’s initiation of a genuine friendship with Teresa Panza, based on simple, good-willed directness, provides a foil for the rigid ossification of class relations during the time of the Spanish Inquisition. This laxity, in turn, presents an opposite model of personal interaction between citizens of different social strata: free from the stodgy, stultified, fussiness that typified the reign of King Phillip the Third.

Avellaneda Mistakenly Calls Teresa Panza Mari Gutierrez: Don Quixote Tale – The Bubonic Pandemic in the U.S. Original Broke Out in San Franciscoâ€s Chinatown Sancho Panza says “That [it’s] a fine thing in a historian [to] call [his] wife Teresa Panza Mari Gutierrez!”

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Originally posted 2019-12-27 17:56:34.

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