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The Duchess and Sancho Panza

The Duchess and Sancho Panza: He Makes Her Laugh

Sancho Panza Compares The Duchess Of Aragon To Dulcinea Del Toboso: Sancho Panza compares the Duchess of Aragon to his vision of Dulcinea by saying that she is every bit as pleasing to the eye as Aldonza Lorenzo is.

Don Quixote Novel

The Duchess Thinks That Sancho Panza Is Funny: After Sancho Panza says that the Duchess is every bit as easy on the eye as his lady Dulcinea, Don Quixote says that no knight errant in the world ever had a squire who is as funny and Don Quixote blog: what is Novel? talkative as Sancho Panza is. In reply, the Duchess says that she will discover, for herself, if Sancho Panza is as humorous and loquacious as Don Quixote claims, by availing herself of his services for a few days. The Duchess then says that since she “places the highest importance on humor and jests,” if the good Sancho Panza is as amusing and merry as he is reputed to be she will be very pleased, since, to her, his jokes blog post by Don Quixote on Novel indicate cleverness and intelligence, which is a sure sign of sharp and ready wit.

Indeed, Sancho Panza provokes mirth and humor in the Duchess’s breast, several times, through a series of funny speeches and a sequence of amusing actions. For example, when a Grave Churchmen insults Don Quixote by telling him to look after his wife and property instead of going around the world making an ass of himself, Sancho Panza rebuts the staid prelate’s comments by saying that if Reynald of Montalban had heard the curate deny the bravery of knight errants, “he would have given him a smack on the chops that would keep him quiet for check out this one from Don Quixote the next three years.” As the Duchess listens to Sancho Panza’s harangue about how Amadis of Gaul would have taken his sword and split the Grave Churchmen open from top to toe like a nice ripe melon, the Duchess is ready to split with laughter, since she considers Sancho Panza even funnier and madder than Don Quixote. Again, when Sancho Panza bursts into her dining hall with a throng of rascally underchefs—who chase him with a trough of dirty dishwater to wash his beard in filthy lye—the Duchess is ready to die with laughter. Later, when Sancho Panza marshals arguments about why he should be made governor, the Duchess cannot contain her mirth. During this same conversation, Sancho Panza sends the Duchess into giggles of delight by saying that since he has witnessed “asses going into government before now it would not be anything new if he took his donkey with him.” Sancho Panza also amuses the Duchess, when he urges Trifaldi to speed-up the pace of her long history without delay.

The Duchess Assures Sancho Panza That He Is A Good Squire Who Abides By The Formal Protocol Of Knight Errantry: In response to Sancho Panza’s presentation of Don Quixote, the Duchess calls Sancho Panza “a dear good squire,” and acknowledges that he has delivered his message with all the ceremony that is proper and fitting on such occasions. Then, the Duchess asks Sancho Panza to rise from the ground, because it is not right for the honorable squire of the Knight of the Woeful Countenance to remain kneeling. Later, when Sancho Panza runs to the Duchess, falls to his knees, and swears that the favor of liberating him from a beard washing will be requited, the Duchess tells him that it is evident “he has learned to be courteous in the school of courtesy itself, seeing as how he has sucked at the breasts of Don Quixote.”

The Duchess and Sancho Panza’s Close Physical Contact: When the Duke, Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, and the Duchess, leave for the Duke and Duchess’s country manor, the Duchess orders Sancho Panza to ride by her side because she simply “adore[s] listening to his clever conversation.” Upon hearing this command, Sancho Panza worms his way in among the Duke, the Duchess, and Don Quixote, turning their conversation into a foursome. Later, when Sancho Panza enters the Duchess’s country home, he abandons his dun, and glues himself to the Duchess’s side. After the Duchess chastises her servants for bringing Sancho Panza wooden troughs and dirty dishrags ? instead of crystal bowls, jugs of pure gold, and fine foreign towels ? Sancho Panza runs and falls to his knees before the Duchess. Similarly, since the Duchess likes listening to Sancho Panza she makes him sit down on a stool beside her, one summer afternoon in a lovely cool room, so that he can settle certain doubts she has about Don Quixote. After their little discussion, Sancho Panza kisses the Duchess’s hands and begs her to promise that his Donkey will be looked after well since Dapple is the light of his life. Later, when Sancho Panza faints in the Duchess’s lap because of the hubbub created by Dulcinea’s pretend disenchantment, the Duchess lets him lie there, with a standing order to bring her a bucket of well water, so that she can revive him with cold water splashes. Upon revival, Sancho Panza is so frightened by the sequence of demons and devils and sages and enchanters that go by that “he does not stir one inch from the Duchess’s side, grabbing her skirt” for comfort. Again, when Sancho Panza is distressed by the mournful tones of a tuneless drum he takes refuge by the Duchess’s side. Later, when Sancho Panza does not want to ride a flying, wooden, horse named Clavileno the Swift (since he does not want to chaff his rump) he declares that he will stay with his lady the Duchess, instead.

Sancho Panza Swears To Serve The Duchess To Requite Her Favor: When the Duchess liberates Sancho Panza from being tormented by a group of tricky under-chefs who try to wash his beard in dirty dish water, Sancho Panza says that since a great favor has been bestowed on him by a great lady, his solemn wish is to be made a knight errant, so that he can devote all the days of his life to serving such a fine lady. In sum, Sancho Panza says that though he is a married farmer/squire with two children, if he can be of any use to her grace all she has to do is to command and he will obey.

The Duchess Weighs-In On Sancho Panza’s Promised Governorship: The Duchess says that since Sancho Panza is “the luminary of squirely fidelity she shall repay his courtesy by prevailing upon her lord, the Duke, to fulfill his promise of a governorship at the earliest opportunity.” But after Sancho Panza narrates a story where he dupes Don Quixote into believing that a mere peasant girl is his beloved Dulcinea, the Duchess says that since Sancho Panza thinks that Don Quixote is a poor wretch, a fool, and a madman ? yet still serves him anyway ? perhaps it will spell trouble for the Duchess to give Sancho Panza an Island governorship after all. Though the Duchess has her mental reservations about Sancho Panza’s governorship she tells him that since her husband, the Duke, is a knight who honors his promises, he will keep his word about giving him an island governorship, even in the face of all the envy and malice in the world. By way of reassuring Sancho Panza that he will, indeed, get his governorship, the Duchess encourages him to be of “good cheer, since, when he’s least expecting it, he is going to find himself sitting on the throne of state of his island,” and he’ll take charge of the government. Then the Duchess urges Sancho Panza to be careful how he governs his vassals and to bear in mind that they are all loyal and well born people. Later, when Sancho Panza writes to his wife that he is eager to be made governor since he can make some money and send her riches, the Duchess expresses her dismay at Sancho Panza’s material greed, since she thinks that covetous governors, render justice poorly. In this same missive, when Sancho Panza attributes his being made governor to his promise to whip himself to disenchant Dulcinea, the Duchess claims that this is untrue since the Duke promised to make him governor before he imagined the flogging lark.

The Duchess Convinces Sancho Panza That Dulcinea is Enchanted: Despite Sancho Panza’s claim that he hoaxed Don Quixote by making him believe that a peasant girl is Dulcinea, the Duchess insists that she knows, from a very good source, that the farmgirl who lept on to the Donkey, is indeed Dulcinea, and that Sancho Panza, who thinks he is the deceiver, is actually the deceived. The Duchess, it seems, would have Sancho Panza believe that when he least expects it he is going to see Dulcinea in her own true form, and will thus be disabused of the false illusion under which he presently labors.

The Duchess Speaks About Sancho Panza’s Proverbs: When Sancho Panza strings together a slew of proverbs, the Duchess says that the worthy Sancho’s observations are Catalonian maxims drawn from a Catalonian gentlemen named 33Angelo Polizano, an author who wrote a book of moral maxims for the instruction of children. Later, when Sancho Panza is reproached by Don Quixote for using irrelevant and inappropriate proverbs, the Duchess says that though his moral maxims are more numerous than the six thousand proverbs collected by a professor of Greek, they give her great pleasure, since they are pithy and worthy of esteem, even if they are not very timely or appropriate.

The Duchess Convinces Sancho Panza to Whip Himself To Disenchant Dulcinea: The Duchess tries to persuade Sancho Panza to flog himself to disenchant Dulcinea. As part of her line of reasoning, the Duchess says that Don Quixote should be shown a bit of gratitude for supporting Sancho Panza throughout their wacky adventures. Indeed, the Duchess urges Sancho Panza to be of good spirit in administering his penance, since the splendid character of Don Quixote’s noble chivalry deserves to be requited through a supreme act of self-flagellation. When Sancho Panza balks at inflicting pain on himself for the sake of Dulcinea, the Duchess urges him to “not be faint hearted in completing the task since a good heart conquers ill fortune.” Later, when the Duchess discovers that Sancho Panza has only stroked his backside a few times, mildly, with the back of his hand, only, she urges Sancho Panza to make a cat-o’-nine-tails since, according to her, he must lash himself with a firm will, not slap himself lackadaisically, in a half-hearted way. In short, when Sancho Panza tells the Duchess to give him a halter to whip himself she promises to give him a severe whip that he can use to tear his skin to shreds.

The Duchess’s Opinion of Sancho Panza’s Letters to Teresa Panza: When the Duchess reads Sancho Panza’s first Don Quixote write an article letter to Teresa Panza explaining: his governorship, the disenchantment of Dulcinea, his experience with the sage Merlin, and other sundry curiosities, the Duchess insists that the Duke gave Sancho Panza his governorship not because he agreed to whip himself to lift a magic spell from Dulcinea, but because he deserved it. In response to Sancho Panza’s missive, the Duchess upbraids Sancho Panza for his greed, since she believes that a covetous Governor does poor justice.

The Duchess Calms Tensions Between Sancho Panza and Donna Rodriguez: When the Duchess hears her Duenna call Sancho Panza a bastard in response to his comment that “in the game of years she won’t lose by scoring too few points,” she gently says to Sancho Panza Don Quixote argued in a blog post our squire that she is a very young woman, and that she is wearing weeds of seniority more from custom and because of her authority than because of her years. Later, when Donna Rodriguez responds to Sancho Panza’s comment that “it is more right and proper for duennas to feed asses then to stand around castle halls” decorating the premises,” by calling him a “low born peasant,” the Duchess urges Sancho Panza to calm down and Donna Rodriguez to keep quiet and that his donkey’s comfort can be entrusted to her. Later, when the Duke and Duchess claim that Trifaldi’s beard growing curse can only be remedied if Sancho Panza travels on a flying horse and defeats Malambruno, Sancho Panza says that he would sooner see all Duenna’s bearded rather than risk life-and-limb fighting a wicked giant. At this point, the Duchess decreases Sancho Panza’s hostility for Donna Rodriguez by telling him that he should not be on such bad terms with all Duenna’s since some doyennes are good people that bring about positive, social, benefits.

Originally posted 2020-01-08 21:57:40.

The post The Duchess and Sancho Panza appeared first on Quixotism in Quixotic Novels.