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Don Quixote as Literature

Understanding Don Quixote Characters

The character section of this reference guide is particularly useful to “Don Quixote” scholars who wish to study the cast of major characters and minor figures from the novel.

Don Quixote

By providing an A to Z description of the physiques, ages, occupations, clothes, families, lineages, inheritances, marriages, Antonomasia (Princess of the Kingdom of Kandy) The Quixotic Novels Blog.  thoughts, actions, behaviors, habits, happenings, titles, hometowns, houses, origins, and more, of Don Quixote’s 110 characters, readers of the Don Quixote Explained Character Digest get a physical and psychological snapshot of each-and-every character, in an easily digestible format.

At 863 pages, or 407,450 words, the novel encyclopedia is easily the most comprehensive and detailed section of the present book.


Scholars who wish to understand how one character connects with another and what the significance of their linkage is, should read the relationship section of this reference guide.

Specifically, this section Ana Felix Ricote – A New Guide From The Writers At Quixotic Novels. organizes relationships according to what type they are (i.e. romantic, friendly, practical, or working) and sub-divides those relationships conceptually. For example, the relationship between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza is correlated on the basis of idealism and realism, braveness and cowardess, booklore and folklore, cheer and dejection, and more.

Groups of People

Since it is difficult to keep track of all of the groups of people in “Don Quixote:” like Trifaldi’s Twelve Doyennes; or the Duke’s many helpers; or the various groups of goatherds, shepherds, muleteers, penitents, and convicts in the story; this section Free Ebook Download. contains an orienting description of all of the groups of people in “Don Quixote.” It also describes the actions that they take in the novel, like washing Sancho Panza’s beard, for example, or treating Don Quixote to a country picnic, for instance.

In short, such an organized listing of all of the groups of people in “Don Quixote,” enhanced with clarifying footnotes, not only helps to keep track of all that goes on in the novel but, most importantly, it sheds light on why these people are significant.


In this section, readers will find a page-by-page tracking, and condensing, of multiple “Don Quixote” themes, including art, drama, convents, envy, jealousy, food, friendship, gossip, Quixotic Novels, jealousy, letters-versus-arms, meta-fiction, orphans, justice, religious reformation, slavery, sloth, time, Turks, virtue, white beauty, and more. Such a thematic analysis is meant to enhance people’s understanding of all that occurs in “Don Quixote” and why.


For scholars diagraming Don Quixote’s travels throughout southern, central, eastern, and northern Spain, they will find that this section details 3 places: Barataria, the Kingdom of Kandy, and Montesinos’s cave.


The joke segment of this reference guide is meant to enable Cervantistas to write about Don Quixote’s four major jokes, (i.e. the Disenchantment of Dulcinea, the adventure of Clavileno the Swift, Sancho Panza’s Governorship of Barataria, and Don Quixote’s Goat Bell/Cat Fright Scare.)

Slap Stick Comedy

Have you ever wondered why there is so much vulgar comedy in “Don Quixote?” Why Don Quixote flips naked in the Black Mountains? Why Don Quixote pees and poohs in his oxcart cage? Quixotic Novels. Why Sancho Panza defecates in his pants? Why Don Quixote and Sancho Panza vomit on each other after drinking the Balsam of Fierbras? Why Don Quixote falls flat on his face in front of the Duke of Aragon because he gets entangled in his stirrups?

For scholars trying to explain why, and how, Cervantes uses crude humor in “Don Quixote,” this section not only describes, in specific detail, the 6 major jests in “Don Quixote,” but it also suggests how Cervantes softens, even hides, his scathing satire of the church, of aristocracy, and of society, through a series of raunchy, even offensive, jokes.


Scholars analyzing the overall structure of “Don Quixote,” to determine the length of its parts, contrast Part I and Part II of the book, and determine who wrote what introductory, or ending, poem, and why, can mentally take in a diagram of its 2 parts, 2 prologues, 4 books, 2 interpolative tales, 13 introductory sonnets, and 3 ending epitaphs, at a glance, with helpful drop-down arrows, number lists, italics, bold font, underlining, and more.

Specifically, the structure section of this book shows that part I of “Don Quixote” is comprised of a 7 page prologue, 7 pages of poems, 449 pages of body-text, two break-away tales and 5 pages of ending poems, while Part II is comprised of a 3 page prologue, 74 chapters, and 499 pages of body text.

This pictorial layout may help scholars distinguish part I of the book from part two of the book, by showing them that part I has a longer prologue, begins and ends with many poems, has two interpolative tales, is subdivided into 4 books, and is interrupted by a lengthy explanation of how a Castilian Spaniard found the book of Don Quixote in a market stall in Toledo, while the second part of the novel has a relatively brief prologue, no introductory or ending poems, no break-away tales, and is not serialized in four distinct books.

Said differently, the structure section of the Don Quixote Explained Reference Guide is meant to shed light on the internal structure of Don Quixote, in and of itself, intrinsically, as well to clarify the connection, similarities, and distinctions between part I and Part II of the novel, so scholars can better understand the components of the novel and how they bear on each other.

Latin Translations

Ideal for scholars who do not know Latin, this Latin translation section explains the meaning of 22 Latin phrases found in the novel. Literary critics analyzing the meaning and significance of the use of Latin in the novel and/or the speech of certain characters who repeatedly use Latin to clarify their meaning, may benefit from reading this section.


Linguistic critics who are analyzing, or who wish to analyze, Cervantes’s use of grammar, syntax, and diction in his famous novel “Don Quixote” may benefit from this 4 page, 30 word, compendium of little used and little understood vocabulary words. Besides defining obscure words used in the novel ? like Placket, Pilchard, Bodkin, and Taffeta – the contextual meaning of the terms are suggested by page reference. Accordingly, readers can locate the use of the word in the text and enhance their understanding of the novel thereby.


Besides cataloguing all of Don Quixote’s 78 poems, the poetry section of the present book also has extensive foot-notes that: explain various historical persons, like Lope de Vega, for example; qualify various verse forms, like iambic pentameter, for instance; explains the importance of certain dedications (i.e. who they commerate and why this is important); geographically locates certain places with historical and literary analysis; notes the importance of certain astronomical and medical concepts, like Ptolemaic references, for example; and marks the significance of various literary forms, like the first picaresque book, Lazarillo de Tormes.

In brief, this section not only helps scholars keep track of all of “Don Quixote’s” 78 poems, is also sheds extensive light on the novel’s poetry by dropping 62 footnotes.


Scholars who wish to write about all, or part, of the 17 letters in “Don Quixote,” can easily keep track of these missives by turning to, and studying, the letter section of the present book. Not only will it help them track, and order, all of the novel’s 17 letters, but the rubrics also identify: the writer and recipient of a given missive; where a particular letter occurs in the book and why; how various letters fit-in the novel, and, ultimately, their literary significance.

Originally posted 2019-12-16 22:14:41.

The post Don Quixote as Literature appeared first on Quixotism in Quixotic Novels.