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The Duke and Sancho Panza

The Duke and Sancho Panza: A Lord Trains His Liege

The Duke Tells Sancho Panza That His Humor is an Expression of Wittiness: When Don Quixote acknowledges that Sancho Panza is talkative and laughable, the Duke says that his jest is admirable since “a wealth of humor cannot be expressed in a paucity of words.”

Don Quixote Novel

Sancho Panza Corrects The Duke When He Addresses Don Quixote As The Knight Of The Woeful Countenance Instead of The Knight Of The Two Lions: When the Duke calls Don Quixote the Knight of the Sorry Face, according to a don quixote blog Sancho Panza corrects him by referring to Don Quixote as the Knight of the Two Lions.

The Duke Reassures Sancho Panza That His Concern About His Donkey Is Justified: When Sancho Panza is concerned about the treatment of his donkey, the Duke reassures him that his ass, Dapple, will be well-attended to in the royal stables and that Sancho Panza is in no way to worry or in no way to blame for his misunderstanding with the Duchess’s Doyenna, since, everyone has got to “speak up about his needs, wherever he is,” and whoever he may happen to be in front of.

Sancho Panza Tells The Duke A Story About Seating Arrangements: When the Duke, the Duchess, Don Quixote, and a Grave Prelate dine together, Sancho Panza gapes in stupefied astonishment at all the honors and formal courtesies being paid to Don Quixote by the Duke. Later, when Sancho Panza hears all the formalities and entreaties being exchanged between the Duke and Don Quixote about who should take the head of the table, he recounts a story about what happened in his home village in relation to seating assignments.

The Duke Teaches Sancho Panza The Value of A Good Hunt: When Sancho Panza is Don Quixote: Themes: a post dismayed that lords and kings put themselves in harm’s way when hunting wild game like bears and boars, the Duke tells him that the sport of hunting quarry is both suitable and necessary for Kings and Lords, since hunting trains nobles to employ stratagems, ruses, and traps to defeat the enemy in safety. Contrary to his notion that “hunting inflicts unnecessary harm on innocent animals for nothing but a bit of fun and amusement,” hunting actually trains knights to suffer extreme cold and intolerable heat so they are physically and mentally hardened in mind, body, and spirit. The Duke also tells Sancho Panza that hunting “strengthens one’s body, increases the agility of one’s limbs, [and, in short,] is a sport that can be practiced without harming anyone while giving pleasure to many.” In conclusion, the Duke believes that as a soon-to-be governor, Sancho Panza should change his mind about hunting, since it is a past time that will benefit him greatly.

Sancho Panza Tells The Duke That A Governor Should Be Accessible to His Constituents Who Come to Him on Urgent Business Instead of Off Hunting In The Woods: Sancho Panza tells the Duke that a governor, instead of having a good time out in the woods hunting wild game, should be at home tending to state business. Sancho Panza reasons that a city government would be in a “pretty pickle” if people, coming on official business, found their governor out in the Recent post by Don Quixote countryside having a good time instead of at home available for audiences. In conclusion, Sancho Panza tells the Duke that hunting, and such pastimes, are “more for loafers and idlers who seek merriment and amusement” rather than for governors concerned with serious state business.

The Duke Hopes That Sancho Panza Can Live Up To His Vow To Attend To State Business Instead of Whiling Away His Time Hunting: When Sancho Panza pronounces his gubernatorial intention to stay in residence and give audience to his constituents instead of gallivanting about the woods in search of prey, the Duke hopes he will do as he says.

The Duke Corrects Sancho Panza’s Misspeech: When Sancho Panza says that he announces the devil and all his works, the Duke says that renounce is what he should have said and not what he did say. In response, Sancho Panza says that he is in “no condition to worry [his] head about little details, or a few letters here or there,” since he is so bothered about the lashes he is going to be given, or he is going to give himself, to disenchant his lady Dulcinea Del Toboso that he can’t think of much else.

The Duke Says That Sancho Panza Will Be Made Governor If He Whips Himself To Disenchant Dulcinea: The Duke says that one of the provisos of Sancho Panza being made governor is that he lash himself to disenchant a bewitched Dulcinea. To overcome Sancho Panza’s reluctance, the Duke insists that he will not send his islanders a cruel governor who refuses to relent in the face of tears of damsels in distress, or in the face of wise, ancient, and imperious enchanters.

When Sancho Panza Objects to Riding Clavileno the Swift To The Kingdom of Kandy In Fear Of Losing His Governorship The Duke Assures Him That The Adventure Will Not Take Too Long And That His Island Governorship Will Be Waiting For Him When He Returns: Since Sancho Panza tells us the Kingdom of Kandy, or modern day Sri-lanka, is over three thousand leagues away—and, therefore, the adventure of restoring princess Antonomasia and Don Clavijo to live animation could take several years—he does not have time to fly to the Kingdom of Kandy on Merlin’s wooden horse, since his governorship of Baratario is much more important to him. Observing that Sancho Panza wants to become governor of Barataria as soon as he can, the Duke assures him that he will not lose his governorship by flying to the Kingdom of Kandy since written by Don Quixote the “island of Baratario is neither movable nor fugitive since it has such deep roots, struck down into the very profundities of the earth,” that it will stay in place until he is ready to govern. The Duke then encourages Sancho Panza to ride with Don Quixote on Clavileno the Swift and to bring his memorable adventure to a successful conclusion—either with the promptitude promised by the steed’s fleetness of foot, or with the grim determination of walking back on his own two feet—since his island will be waiting where he left it: regardless of how long it takes for him to return. In short, the Duke of Aragon tells Sancho Panza that his islanders will be eager to welcome him as their lord and governor and that he should not entertain the slightest doubt about the truth of the Duke’s goodwill towards him.

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