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Giant Malambruno

Giant Malambruno Don Quixote Novel

Description: The Giant Malambruno, a cruel and wicked man, first enters the story at his cousin’s graveside riding a fabulous wooden horse named Clavileno the Swift. To avenge Queen Maguncia’s death, Malambruno punishes Don Clavijo don quixote – quixotism for his boldness by turning him into a metal crocodile. Likewise, the giant Malambruno punishes princess Antonomasia for having sex with Don Clavijo before marriage, by using his magic arts to turn her into a brass monkey. Besides casting a spell on these two lovers, he challenges Don Quixote to free the pair by defeating him in single combat. Accordingly, he builds a metal “column with a Syriac inscription,” which states: “These two foolhardy lovers will not regain their original form until the brave man of La Mancha engages [him] in single combat; for Don Quixote Novel his mighty courage alone the Fates reserve this unparalleled adventure.” To prove he means business, the giant Malambruno draws from his scabbard a vast, broad, scimitar and grabs the Countess of Trifaldi by the hair and tilts her head back as if to slit her throat and slice off her head. At the last moment, however, Malambruno decides that instead of decapitating the dolorous duenna, he would rather subject her to a slow and painful civil death. Thus, he casts a beard-growing spell, over her and her fellow doyennes that leaves their silky smooth visages with coarse bristles which “darken the Don Quixote Narrative light of their faces with [ubiquitous] stubble.” After bearding the doyennes Malambruno declares that whenever fortune sends Trifaldi a lord and liberator he himself will send a mount that will be much better, and have much fewer faults, than the one’s you hire because it will be the very same wooden horse on which the brave Pierres rescues the fair Magalona by carrying her through the air on its crupper.

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