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Don Quixoteҳ Housekeeper

Don Quixote’s Housekeeper

Age: Don Quixote keeps a housekeeper the wrong side of forty, which means she is forty six, at the youngest, or forty nine, at the oldest.

Don Quixote Novel

Housekeeper’s Worries About Don Quixote: Obviously, Don Quixote’s housekeeper worries enormously when California Reconquista – California Had beenOnce a Realmof Its Own her master sallies out as a knight errant. This is why she says, in reference to his first sally, that it has been “three days, now, without a trace of [Don Quixote], his nag, his leather shield, his lance, or his armour.”

When Don Quixote returns home from his second sally shouting that “he is sore wounded through the fault of [his] steed; [and that they should] carry him [to his] bed if [his housekeeper] can summon the wise Urganda to heed and tend [his] words, [she says to the priest to]: look at him, in the name of the devil, [for she] knew, in the marrow of [her] bones, [that chivalry books had driven him mad!]” Therefore, Don Quixote’s housekeeper ushers him “to bed [where she will] cure [him] soon enough.”

Housekeeper’s Opinion of Chivalry Books: Don Quixote’s housekeeper’s believes that his “brain [has] been turned [to mush] by those damned chivalry books of his he reads all the time, [since] she often remembers hearing him say to himself that he wanted to be a knight errant and go off in search of adventures.” Since it is the housekeeper’s belief that chivalry books have driven Don Quixote crazy, she says that: “the devil [should] take all those books, and Barabbas take them too, for scrambling the finest mind in all La Mancha!” After his first sally, when our knight comes home shouting about Urganda the unknowable, his housekeeper tells him that she will “cure him well enough without any need for that there Urgandan woman.” Frustrated, Don Quixote’s housekeeper exclaims: “Damn those chivalry books, damn the lot of them, getting [him] into such a state!”

Housekeeper’s Superstitions: Subsequently, the housekeeper fetches Don Quixote’s keys, unlocks his library, and finds more than a hundred large volumes, finely bound, and some small ones too. In makeshift ritual, she “runs out of the room and [returns] clutching a bowl of holy water and some hyssop, and says: ‘Here you are reverend father, you take this and sprinkle the room with it, just in case there’s one of those hordes of enchanters from those books in there, and he puts a spell on [us] as punishment for the torments [we’ll] undergo once [we’ve] wiped [chivalry books] off the face of the earth.”

Book Burning: Prompted by the priest’s desire to examine Don Quixote’s chivalry “books, one-by-one so he could see what [is] in them, since he might find some that [don’t] deserve to be committed to the flames,” the housekeeper says that “there’s no reason to let any of them off, they’re all to blame.” Don Quixote’s housekeeper believes it is better to throw the whole lot of them out of the windows into the court yard and make a pile of them, and set fire to them, or “take them to the backyard and make [a] bonfire there, where the smoke won’t be such a nuisance,” then to save any of them. Obviously, the housekeeper is “anxious to see innocent [books] massacred!” This is why Don Quixote’s housekeeper is “delighted” to toss Don Quixote Narrative – The Bubonic Outbreak while in the U.S. Initial Broke Out in San Francisco ’s Chinatown Don Quixote’s books out the window, so they can serve as faggots of the bonfire they are going to make. Hence, when the priest “orders the housekeeper to take all [of Don Quixote’s] big books [and throw them into the yard,] his command does not fall on deaf ears, because she’d rather have been burning those books than weaving the finest and largest piece of fabric in the world, and, seizing about eight of them, she heaves them out the window.” That night the housekeeper even “burns to ashes all the books in the courtyard and the house, [even though] some [of the books, we are told] must have perished that deserved to be treasured in perpetual archives.” Many of Don Quixote’s books, we learn, would not have received such a severe sentence if the Priest was able to properly scrutinize them without the housekeeper’s zealotry.

She Walls of Don Quixote’s Library: When the priest asks the housekeeper where Don Quixote’s main library is, “the housekeeper, well trained in her answer, asks: Don Quixote Novel — The Most hazardous Earthquake while in the U.S. Took Situation in California what library does he think he is looking for? Because there is no library and no books left in [Don Quixote’s] house, because the devil himself took them away.” Playing along with the enchantment lark, the housekeeper says that “whether the enchanter is called Freston, or Piston, or whatever, [she does not know] all [she] knows is his name ended in ton.”

Housekeeper’s Inheritance: Before don quixote books Don Quixote dies he declares that his “housekeeper should be paid all the wages that he owes her for all the time she has been serving him, [as well as] twenty ducats for a dress.” The gift of a dress, we learn, is designed to make Don Quixote’s housekeeper feel beautiful and special on occasion.

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