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Religious Reformation Theme in Don Quixote

Religious Reformation Theme in Don Quixote

Religious Reformation Theme in Don Quixote

Don Quixote Novel

Religious Reformation: The first innkeeper tells Don Quixote: Characters: a blog post Don Quixote that “in his castle there wasn’t any chapel where he could keep the vigil of arms because it had been demolished to build a new one.”

Beard Removal: A repeating them in Don Quixote is that characters remove their beards. For example, at the Duke and Duchess country house, during the beard washing episode, Sancho Panza tells readers that he could do with a wash, and it’d be even better if [the scullion barbers] shaved it off for him.” Again, when the barber, Master Nicholas, is thrown off a hired mule, he tumbles to the ground, taking so little care of his beard that it falls off.” Later, the priest transforms Cardenio from a bushy bearded man into a clean shaven one when he “takes a pair of scissors out of their case and whips Cardenio’s beard off, and the transformation of Cardenio [is] such that he wouldn’t have know himself if he looked in the mirror.”

Originally posted 2019-12-01 23:39:13.

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